Course on torments in 3 actions
Fedor Dostoevsky

«VERTEP — is a sort of a small show in persons, show in special box with which
Russian working around on holy days». by V.DAL
F.M. Dostoevsky is the writer and the poet of province, which reflected for him the whole Russia. Nowadays theatres more often pay attention to Dostoevsky. It creates the original theatrical «fund» of Dostoevsky consisting of shows, solo performances, independent actor’s works all over Russia. His works borrow a special place in a creative life of the Novgorod academic drama theatre named after F.M. Dostoevsky.
The performance «The Vertep» consists of three independent products: «Other?s man wife»,
«The Bobok» and «The Dream of a ridiculous person» is valuable, first of all,
with the ideas of Good and Justise expressed in it. Dostoevsky’s heroes
are painfully searching for ways to Belief and self-expression.
Performance and direction— E.Chernyshov
Stage designer and costumes — N. Slobodjanik
Choreography — S. Isaichkina
Music — V. Bychkovsky
The Novgorod academic drama theatre named after of F.M.Dostoevsky has the long creative history. In 1825 the first stationary theatre was opened in Novgorod.
During many years its repertoir has been extended, the theatre
was working during the Revolution. In time of Second World War
the theatre didn?t interrupt its creative activity.
Since 1997 the theatre has had F.M.Dostoevsky’s name. The theatre participates
actively in the International festival of chamber performances on F.M.Dostoevsky’s stories in Staraya Russa. The theatre took part and was the winner of Russian competitions and festivals.
Today the theatre has significant actor’s and director’s potential, a high level of technical equipment and aims a serious creative goals.
The repertoire of the theatre is formed on the best plays of Russian and foreign classics, including contemporary plays of modern playwrights.