Lecture «BB today» by Elena Gorfunkel (St. Petersburg)
Novgorod theatre "Mali"

14 April, 9.30, Novgorod theatre «Mali»
Special program of the festival
The 15th International theatre Kingfestival presents a series of lectures that will surely be interesting to both young theatre critics and all participants and spectators of the festival. Despite the variety of lecture topics, the authors in one way or another, return to the main theme — the development of contemporary theater, its connection with tradition, innovation and, of course, the expectations of the audience. We hope that the theater, created by the word and experience of each lecturer, will expand the boundaries of not only knowledge, but creative impulses for future works as well. And after all, it’s just so peculiar — to know, to empathize and to engage in a dialogue on the given topics together.
Lectures are accompanied by video.
Lecture «BB today»
Lecturer: theatre critic, Professor Elena Gorfunkel (St. Petersburg)
Brecht predicted that at the beginning of the third Millennium all mankind would move to cities. Brecht was convinced that the best political future of the world is communism. Brecht stated that the theatre is anti-Aristotelian, anti bourgeois, antimetaphysical. He considered a spectator not to be a consumer, but a producer. Classic, according to Bertolt Brecht , is important in the case, if you use its «material essence», and all other historical decorations should be decisively cut off. A few dozen of his plays show how it’s done.
Bertolt Brecht’s theatrical ideas and his dramaturgy have not lost their relevance. It is possible to argue with them, but impossible to ignore. The modern theater with all its «posts» finds the best and most active opponent from the twentieth century in Bertolt Brecht. Modern theater, without realizing it, is going through the path once discovered by Brecht. Performance, theater.doc , immersive theater, a new synthetic theater were foreseen by him. We’re tried by him. In the history of theatrical thought, he is the second genius after Aristotle. For the Director of our days, he is the inspirer and organizer of the most insane ideas.