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L’IniZio /The Beginning

contemporary dance, hip-hop
Compagnie CHRIKIZ, La Rochelle, France


15 April, 21.00 on stage of Novgorod Drama theatre


With support of Institut fran?ais

and Sc?nes d’enfance — ASSITEJ France

лого французский институт и Асситеж франции (2)

Compagnie CHRIKIZ, La Rochelle, France

«L’IniZio» (The Beginning)

Choreographer — Amine Boussa

Dancers – Emilie Schram, Damien Bourletsis, Amine Boussa, John Martinage, Amel Synapayen,

Light designer — Nicolas Tallec

Original music — Romain Serre

Recommended age – 14+

Duration – 55 min.

…white ground, like a white sheet where black silhouettes trace with a movement the first lines of a sketch … On these lines, the group is formed, giving way to the light. The state body becomes selfish, abandoning the group. The human being has eyes only for himself even if he is in conflict with himself. How far will he go to understand that his peacefulness will come from the others ?


L’iniZio – «beginning» in Italian, takes Michelangelo’s Book of Genesis from the Sistine Chapel as the starting point. This fresco will be the beginning of a reflection on the existence of a person obsessed with the destructive desire to break any imposed rule. The central scene of the fresco (Original Sin) illustrates this idea: a person in his eternal Eden chooses to ignore the only simplest rule embodied in the simplest subject …

Like the fresco, L’IniZio is divided into three main parts, each of which in turn is also divided into three. The concept of an individual in a group in osmosis with others is central. Then the dancer gradually begins to show his place on the stage, becoming almost selfish, dominating and not yielding.

Each of the three parts corresponds to a different musical atmosphere, from Arvo P?rt to «Miserere» Allegri and electronic music. This is the music with which the body is connected and from which it is separated with extraordinary strength and dexterity. This is hip-hop with powerful energy and in the spirit of the times.

Every artist tries the taste of hip-hop dance, demonstrating his high technique of performance and openness to different stylistic influences. Light draws shadows on the white floor, which are crossed and separate from each other, following the body and creating new colors. L’IniZio or the living fresco of humanity.


 Compagnie Chriki’Z / Amine BOUSSA

Amine BUSSA is a young self-taught dancer, choreographer. He was born in Algeria, got to know about hip-hop, studied at the lyceum, and began to train hard. He gets his first professional experience in cooperation with K?fig and Accrorap, and quickly begins to perform – he took part in the opening of the World Festival of Youth in Algeria, dancing for 75,000 spectators in the performance of Safi BUTELLA in August 2001. From 2002 to 2003 Amin danced in the National Ballet of Algeria in the performance «LE PEUPLIER ROUGE». In 2004 he danced in the staging of Robert CIGRIFIDA, the company Dit de Grenoble (modern dance). In the same year, he became one of the performers in the play «DOUAR» of Accrorap / Kader ATTOU, which had about a hundred shows in France and other countries (Israel, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Serbia, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Reunion, etc.). In 2007, Amin began to work with EGO company, participated in many educational and creative projects and danced in the street play «CATCH ME IF U CAN!». In 2009, Amin BUSUS was a dancer in a play of three solos by Etre’Ange company: «M?TAMORPHOSE». In 2010, he danced in the play «SYMFONIA PIESNI ZALOSNYCH» of the National Center of Choreography La Rochelle / Poitou Charente, cooperated with ATU Cadet and Accrorap company (summer 2010, Montpellier Danse festival). In the same year, he created his own company Chriki’Z in La Rochelle and staged his first play «MOOVANCE» in 2011. Inspired by his creative biography, Amin wants to work in Chriki’Z on hip-hop forms that are far from any stereotypes and open to other styles, this is hip-hop, inspired by meetings, but without neglect to the quality of performance. Amin BUSS continues to work in other projects and dances in the play «INSTABLE» of S’POART company by Michael La Mer and in the French-Mexican play «LA NINA de LA CASA AZUL» of De Fakto company. In 2014, Amin returned to the National Choreographic Center La Rochelle to work in the new play of Kader ATTU «OPUS 14», presented at the Dance Biennale in Lyon. In 2015, he danced in the Andres MARENA and Kader ATU «YATRA» project initiated by the Paris Philharmonic Society, in which hip-hop and flamenco, percussion and traditional Indian music are mixed.

Creative team

Jeanne AZOULAY / Jeanne Azule

Joan Azule’s dance style can be described as powerful and instinctive. She is inspired by various dance aesthetics to create her own mixed manner in hip-hop. Jeanne Azoulay is self-taught person with a rich experience of cooperation with various dance companies, the first of which were Ego Eric Mezino company in the play Catch Me, Cortex and Massala (Fuad Boussouf) companies. In 2012 there was the beginning of her work with Chriki’z Amina Bussy (Moovance) company and her meeting with Milen Duamo and Daruma company in the play «Fueros». In 2013, she became a member of De Fakto Aurelien Cero company and worked in the play «La Ni?a de la Casa Azul», as well as in Buba Ciss?’s project «Amerikkan Dream» of Les Associes Crew company. In 2014 she performed in the play L’iniZio, created by Amine Boussa in 2013. In 2015, she began to rehearse the part in Abdu Ngoma’s «Resistance» play of Stylistik company, the first night of which was in February in 2016. Jeanne works in several projects of Chriki’z company. Jeanne Azoulay is the choreographer of several training projects for young dancers. In addition, she works in the team of Les Mezz?s dans?s festival, which aims to connect professionals and amateur dancers.


In 1998 Damien Bourletsis took up hip-hop by himself. After studying under the ADDM 84 program in 2001 and becoming a hip-hop teacher, he cooperates with many different associations and projects. This experience led him to create projects «DE L’AUTRE C?T? DE LA MER» with Accrorap company in 2002, «Les EVAD?S» with Amazigh company in 2003. He participated with his latest project in the Rencontres de la Villette festival in Paris. In 2010, he danced in the performance «PRET-A-PENSER» of the company 2 temps 3 mouvements in Avignon. Today, Damien continues to teach people in his region and dance in projects of the Chriki’Z company, as well as in the new play «OPUS 14» of Accrorap company, based on Cader Attu’s work, at the National Choreography Center La Rochelle.

Johanna FAYE / Joanna FAY

Johanna is a universal dancer who easily changes hip-hop (Break, house, hip hop «new school») to modern dance and jazz … In 2009, Joanna danced in Ingrid Floren’s play «RACINANT» (modern choreography), in the performance  «FLORES» of Br?silienne Membros / Thias VIERRA company, and also participated in the opening of the Panafricain festival in Algeria. In 2010 she danced in Sylvain Gru’s play «ELLES», in Andres Spinelli’s (Argentina) hip-hop-tango-play «HETMISPHERIOS».


John grew up with the rhythms of gypsy dancing thanks to his background. Then he discovered hip-hop, which he began to master on his own. He worked with such companies as Farida Berka’s «Melting Spot», with whom he cooperated in several productions, with the companies Malka / Landrille Bouba Tchouda, Naga / Yphun Chien, Sophie Carlin et Memoires vives. John is a creator of the dance group Just’1kiff, with whom he created his solo performance «D’ou je vais» and the duet «Fer ailleurs».



© Novgorod Theatre Mali 2025