25 April, в 12.00, 14.00 on stage Philharmonic Hall
supported by

non verbal puppet performance
Stage director — Dmitry Petrenko
Puppet and scenery design – Liene Mackus
Video design – Lizete Upite
Actors — Santa Didzus, Mikelis Zideluns, Anrijs Sirmais
Kashtanka is an ordinary dog with most ordinary looks. It’s just the eyes that are special. Kashtanka lives with her Master till a day when she gets lost. She is adopted by a new Master, who gives her new, exciting life, but in her dreams Kashtanka keeps seeing her old Master and longs for him…
Each of us has our Home. Very often it is not the place where we live, but the place and time that we long for. For others this longing may seem obscure – why do we want something like that. But only we know why we want to be there, even if it is not possible anymore. Kashtanka is a performance about our longing to get Home. Dmitry Petrenko shows new viewpoint of this classic literature piece in a performance without words.
Duration — 40 min.
Age – 6+
Latvia Puppet theatre (founded in 1944) is the only professional puppetry theatre in Riga. It focuses its repertoire on young audiences and occasionally creates performances for adults. Latvia Puppet theatre is also one of the few theatres in Riga which stages performances for Russian audience- it has two permanent troupes — a Latvian and a Russian troupe. Performances are performed in the theatre and also in visiting sessions to other venues in Latvia.
Each year the theatre stages around 10 new productions, which are usually performed in one of the two performing spaces. The larger has an audience capacity of 220 seats and the small auditorium has 60 seats. The theatre also owns a small puppetry museum where special performances are held for the youngest audience (capacity of 30 people).
Latvia Puppet theatre has been highly acclaimed abroad while participating in international puppet festivals in France, Bulgaria, Poland, Iran, Japan, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, USA, Canada and Czech Republic. Today the Latvia Puppet Theatre participates in various festivals throughout Europe and beyond, receiving acknowledgment from the audiences and theatre professionals.
Official site of theatre