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cool Estonian epos
Markus Zohner's

KALEVIPOEG as a hero, Kalevipoeg as a myth, Kalevipoeg as a national epic.
Now KALEVIPOEG as a cool play. Full of physical movement, comics, irony, poesy.

Kalevipoeg ? a giant with enormous power who loses his father before his birth, becomes king by throwing stones, is deprived of his mother by a Finnish wizard, rapes, kills, revenges, ploughs, builds towns and eventually succeeds in his lifework ? defeating and chaining the devil. Everything has been achieved. What next? Crisis, a trip to the end of the world. And finally death through his own damned sword.Fantastic subjects, fabulous human life. Four excellent actors and a director who together create a big play of this huge work. Theatre, fantasy, history, chronics and poesy in a marvellous combination.

The version of artistic director of Markus Zohner?s Theater Compagnie from estonian national epic. M. Zohner is actor, director and theatrepedagog. He have performed with his theatre-group — Markus Zohner Theater Compagnie ? more than 12 years in many different theatre-festivals and theatres all over the world.

Conception and creation? Markus Zohner (Markus Zohner?s Theater Compagnie, Switzerland)

Actors : Katariina Lauk,Tanel Saar, Janek Sarapson and Margo Teder

Assistant: Kirke Org

Duration of the play: 90 min.

VAT Theatre is the oldest Estonian free theatre group formed in 1987 in Tallinn.The theatre is playing both for children and adults.The group has taken part of festivals in several states, has performed behind the polar line and on the other side of the equatorial line. The repertoire is various: Shakespeare, fairytales, documentary performances and the Forum proceeding from the principles of theatre by Augusto Boali. VAT produces classics in its own way and makes co-work with young Estonian playwrights The group gives more than 200 performances per year all over Estonia. At the moment VAT Teater has an own small hall in the rooms of the Estonian National Library.

© Novgorod Theatre Mali 2025