Boris Shergin

The play ?IVAN DANISHMAN? ? is a true-fairy tale. There happen such miracles in life, just like a fairy-tale, and fairy tales happen to be just like our own real life. Ivan has been dreaming to see the whole world ? and finally ran-swam away from his mother to the outland, to Denmark. Thinking ? not for a long time, but as happened ? for years?.
Fairy-tales are different. You can retell one, and sing another, but this one was baked our of dough.
- Moscow Drama ?VEDOGON-Theatre? is situated in Zelenograd, in one of administrative districts of Moscow. The founder and art director ? Pavel Kurochkin, honored artist of Russian Federation, price winner of Moscow City-hall Award, lecturer of the High Theatre School named after M.S.Shepkin under the State Academy Mali Theatre of Russia.
An Old-slavonic word ?vedogon? has given the name for the theatre; it?s the symbol of a life-giving power of the fire and the sun. ?VEDOGON-Theatre? is the participant and the price winner of Russian and foreign theatre festivals and forums: ?HUMO? (Uzbekistan, ?Caravan? (Denmark), ?Rainbow?, ?Arlekin?, ?Slavonic Wreath ? to Children?, ?On the Youth Threshold?, ?Pushkin Theatre Festival?, ?The Tumbler?, ?A big Change?, ?Havrosh?, ?I am little, nice to meet you!?, ?Slavonic Theatre Meetings?, ?Voices of History?, ?Golden Knight?.
Director ? honored artist of Russia Pavel Kurochkin
Stage designer: Kyrill Danilov
Choreographer: Olga Korotkova
Chore-master: Natalya Tabachkova
Actors: Natalya Tabachkova, Vyacheslav Semein
????????????????? ? 55 ???.
??????? ? 6+