performance for early years
Andrea Buzzetti, Bruno Cappagli, Carlotta Zini

18 April, 13.00, 15.00 (on stage of Novgorod theatre “Mali”)
Home. A place where me is just me. A home where to find shelter, eat, take a bath, sleep. A place where to live and share experiences. A place where I can welcome others. A home to explore and invent, a place that changes as I change. A place from which to leave and discover everything outside it, and a place to go back to every time. “Casa” tells the surreal story of a grown-up and a child who meet, get to know each other and start to build. Building turns into play, and little by little, while playing, they build a story, a structure, a roof, a house. Sometimes the characters exchange roles: the little one pretends to be the grown-up, while the grown-up goes back to his childhood, in a sequence of surprises and emotions captured in the fixed geometries of daily-life.
Simple words come along with the actors’ action, looking for a unity of image made of lights sounds and movements.
In 2014, CASA receives EARLY YEARS AWARD at International Children Festival “100, 1.000, 1.000.000 stories” – Bucarest.
Authors – Andrea Buzzetti, Bruno Cappagli and Carlotta Zini
Director – Bruno Cappagli
Stage designer — Tanja Eick
Actors Andrea Buzzetti and Carlotta Zini
Duration– 45 minutes
Age – 1+
Official page
- La Baracca- Testoni Ragazzi
Founded in 1976, La Baracca has been working in the field of theatre for children and early years for the past 38 years.
The company’s productions are addressed exclusively to children and young people, and they are centred on actors theatre and on an original theatrical style. Over the years, they have developed a poetics aimed at generating amazement, trying to pursue simplicity intended as essentiality, always
paying special attention to the relationship with the audience.
To date, La Baracca has produced over 140 shows for children and young people, with more than 9.000 performances.
Every year, new productions for all age groups are realised, for children attending crèches to secondary school students, as well as for those attending primary schools and kindergarten children.
Since their first project “A place for kids”, which started in 1980, La Baracca has strengthened its relationship with the territory. In 1983, La Baracca started to administer the Sanleonardo Theatre, in agreement with the Municipality of Bologna. It was the first agreement between a public body and a theatre company for children and young people. Since 1995, the theatre has moved to the Teatro Testoni Ragazzi and it has become a Stable Theatre of Innovation for Children and Young People.
In addition to the activities of the Teatro Testoni Ragazzi in Bologna, they manage two small Theatre halls in Medicina (district of Bologna). This was the starting point for the project “Medicinateatro”. Moreover, over the years, they have been collaborating with other municipalities of the district.
To date, 31 theatrical seasons have been programmed in Bologna, and 9 in Medicina. Over 1.200.000 amongst children, youngsters and adults have taken part in them. The performances have been more than 5.000, for over 700 titles, presented by 450 Italian, European and extra-European companies.
Since its foundation, the company presented its shows not only in Italy, but also in many international festivals in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Mexico, Nicaragua, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, United States, Switzerland, Hungary and Uzbekistan.
Many of the scripts written by La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi’s authors have been translated and staged by other companies in Austria, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.
Small size and Europa
Since 2005, La Baracca has been the project leader of Small Size, the European Network for the Diffusion of the Performing Arts for Early Years, acknowledged and funded by the European Commission through its Culture Programme. The projects funded were “Small size” (2005-2006), “Small size, the net” (2006-2009) and “Small size, big citizens” (2009-2014). The partners of the network are now 12, from 12 different countries, and the activities they develop mainly involve shows, festivals, workshops, research, promotion and communication.
The strong relationship with Europe begins, however, in 1991, with “Eunetart”, the European Network of Artistic Organisms for Childhood and Youth, which involved 130 art centres for children and young people from 28 European countries.
Visions of future, visions of theatre…
From 1987 on, La Baracca has been carrying out the project “Theatre and the crèches”, addressed to very young children. It is one of the very few companies in Italy and Europe focusing on this extremely critical age group.
This piece of research, along with the one focused on the age group 3-6, was the starting point for the creation of “Visions of future, visions of theatre…”, the international festival of theatre and culture for early years.
Their innovative work and promotion activities was awarded by ASSITEJ International, with the ASSITEJ Award for Artistic Excellence 2008.
Along with the production of shows, La Baracca — Testoni Ragazzi organises workshops and carries out research work.
Theatrical workshops are realised both in the theatre premises and in the schools; they mainly address children and young people, but also teachers and educators (i.e. training courses).
It was thanks to such activities that they could realise projects such as “Errare humanum est” and “Cantamaggio”, a three-days workshop for 100 youngsters who could share a theatrical experience.
La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi has often collaborated with other bodies or institutions, developing national or international projects. Among them, it is important to mention the one in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste and the “Ambassador Project”, the latter leading the company to
present their shows and workshops in developing countries, to children from the Indian communities of Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua, in refugee camps in Ex-Yugoslavia, in Brazilian favelas and Romanian orphanages.
Institutional relationships
Along with the support of the Municipality of Bologna, the work of La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi has been recognised and acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture since 1979 and since 1982 by the Emilia Romagna Region.
Since 2005, thanks to the Small size project, it is supported by the European Commission.