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Lecture «Spectator policy: For what are we here?»

Lecture «Spectator policy: For what are we here?»

16 April, 12.00  — Novgorod theatre «Mali»


Lecture «Spectator policy: For what are we here?»

Editor-in-chief of the magazine «Vash Dosug», theater blogger Inner Emigrant

The content of the lecture:

  • How absolutely all spectators have become critics, and what is theatrical blogging?
  • How did the audience start to influence to the performances, and who is the «spectator-co-author»?
  • The boundaries of spectator freedom, and how not to turn art into an artificial hell for audience?
  • Toxic theater, and why does a theater need to stop intruding on the audience’s feelings?
  • Will tomorrow a spectator create a theater?


© Novgorod Theatre Mali 2025